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Yes, child support payments can be taken from almost every source of income, including social security checks.

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Q: Can chil support payment be taken from social secutiy checks?
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Related questions

Are social security checks called federal benefit checks?

Social Security has been called a federal benefit payment since it was created in the 1930s. The term "federal benefits" applies to a large number of programs, including Social Security, Social Security Disability Insurance, Medicare, and others.

How long does it take the social security payment center to send out checks once the judge has approved payment?

....way too long. anywhere from 60 days up to (2) years.... Contact your Congressperson.........

Can child support take your deceased husband's social security check for child support if the child is an adult now?

Social security payments for the husband stopped upon his death. If the child is under 22 (?) and is still in school, there may be payments due to the child. If you are receiving checks on your own behalf as a widow, those checks are not subject to child support payments. You can call Social Security directly or look online for this information.

How can you find out if a parent paid child support?

If the child support payments are made through the social services department, one could call the department and ask if the payment was made. Also, one could check the bank account where the payment is usually submitted.

Can you use a dependents social security retirement payments as child support payments?

If the checks are coming to you, the money is yours to spend on the child's up keep.

Welfare checks and food stamps are examples of?

Transfer Payments In the US, Social Security is not, strictly speaking, a transfer payment; it's social insurance. Welfare payments and Medicaid may also be described as entitlement programs.

What day of month are disability social security checks mailed?

When will disability social security checks be deposited in july 2014

How much will gov take from disability and social security checks?

= How much will gov take from disability and social security checks?" =

What is the high and the low SS checks?

social security checks the high amount

What day are social security checks mailed if the third is on the weekend?

The social security checks are programed in to be mailed before the third if the date falls on the weekend. Social Security checks are rarely or ever late. I would suggest that the check be direct mailed to a bank. It is safer that way.

How do you apply for social security child support?

There is no such thing as "social security child support." If the child's parent(s) is eligible for Social Security, the child is probably eligible, also. In such a case, the child's benefit is considered child support. If that benefit exceeds the amount ordered for child support, the obligor does not owe any additional payment.

If medicaid denies my mother coverage, will any nursing homes accept her social security check and pensions as payment only for long term care in nyc?

There are no nursing homes that will accept social security checks without medicaid coverage in the New York area.