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Q: Can cooked unripe green apples make you sick?
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Do green apples make horses sick?

No, I have never heard of green apples poisoning horses

How do you make green gunk on webkinz?

To make green gunk add (to the stove) apples grapes and milk and that makes green gunk.

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In unripe fruit, the plant has made the fruit acids but not yet made the sugars to make the fruit sweet.

Can green apples make horses sick?

Many green apples are bad for horses because they have alot of acid and are gassy, which could make them sick. Apples could also cause colic. Preferably, give your horse snacks like carrots and hay or if you are going to feed them apples, opt for Red Declicious.

Can you eat an unripe avocado?

yes but it won't be as good as when it is ripe

Do green apples make goats sick?

yes no yes no i am board bye :)

Can you make banana bread without unripe bananas?

The bananas should be over ripe for banana bread - not unripe.

What makes green apples taste sour?

Apples all grow the same way. They are produced on small branches that grow from small exits in larger branches. Due to the climates in which Pippins and other green apples originated, they tend to be green. Dense areas with more rain than sunlight has bleached the surface of the small branches, confusing pigmentation in the fruit, selecting green because of the phosphorous contained in the plant. Because of the skin on the outside and how it reflects light and color. Green apples can be green when ripe for eating (Granny Smith's for example) or they can be the color of red apples that aren't mature yet. Most apple varieties are green when not ripe.

Should you cook the apples before baking an apple pie?

Cooking apples before baking them in a pie is up to the cook. It can be done either way. Cooking or sauteing the apples before baking will make a softer apple filling. The apples will be crunchier if they are not cooked or sauteed before baking.

What to make with cooked apples?

apple pie, candy apples apple salad apple juice

Are red apples more acidic than green?

The vitamin profile for red, green and yellow are similar. What will make the vitamin content vary will be things such as when it is picked, how it is stored, growing conditions, how it is prepared, with or without skin, etc. A sidenote: the nutrient profile of apples is pretty low -- a medium apple has 8 mg vitamin C, 5 mcg folate, etc. Apples are a decent source of fiber -- medium apple has 4 - 5 grams (with skin) and it also has a nice phytochemical profile -- quercitin, zeaxanthin and beta carotene.

How do they make candy apples?

how do they make candy apples how do they make candy apples