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Yes. Metallic copper is one of the best of all conductors in solid form and therefore is commonly used for electrical wiring.

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Q: Can copper conduct electricity in its solid form?
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Salts in solid form will not conduct electricity as the ions cannot be in motion. However when salts are dissolved in aqueous medium (to form solution), they will conduct electricity. Also salts conduct electricity in molten (or fused) state.

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In solid form calcium chloride doesn't conduct electricity, but dissolved in water it conducts electricity quite well.

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When it's in a solid form no but if it is a liquid (when placed in a solution) then yes it does conduct electricity.

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Like other ionic compounds NaOH will not conduct electricity in its solid form, but will if dissolved in water or molten.

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Not in solid form, apparently! No free electrons.

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well technically anything can conduct electricity..... but that doesnt mean it will be easier because of higher and lower resistances.

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Sucrose can not conduct significant electric currents in either solid form or in solution in water, because sucrose does not contain ions in its solid form and does not ionize when it dissolves in water.

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Does not, in solid form there are no free ions so can not move towards cathode and anode plates so can not conduct electricity.

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Iodine is covalent so it does not conduct electricity in a solid, however it will conduct in a liquid or molten state. The reason why it cannot conduct in a solid is that electrons cannot move freely through it.

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Yes. In aqueous form, baking soda conducts electricity, but not as a solid.

What objects can conduct electricity?

Any solid metal plus liquid mercury in their elemental form.