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no, i drink soda all the time and it doesn't hurt (i drink dr pepper, pepsi and coke) if it does hurt then you may want to see a doctor.

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Q: Can dark sodas cause pain while urinating?
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Does dark soda cause acne?

yes dark soda such as pepsi, coke, and root beer cause acne. how? the carmel colering in the soda has a negative reaction to the skin when drank

What is dark soda?

I am guessing Sodas that have a dark color such as Pepsi, Coke, Coca Cola, Grape soda, etc. Other Sodas that don't fit the 'dark sodas' category are: Sprite, Mountain Dew, Sierra Mist, etc...which I have heard are better for you to drink.

Why do dark sodas remove tarnish better than light colored soda?

Dark sodas remove tarnish better than light colored sodas because of the citric acid and high sugar amounts in the soda. The darker the soda, the more acid is put into the soda.

Do you get caner if you drink black drinks?

Sort of, it is true that there are carcinogens in dark sodas, and carcinogens lead to cancer. However having a few every once in a while shouldn't kill you.

Why do i feel itchy after drinking alcohol?

Depending on the soda, usually dark sodas such as coke contain phosphorus, or phosphoric acid. Enough consumption of dark sodas excluding rootbeer can create this "itchy" sensation. More so in renal diseased or CKD patients.

Why is dark soda pop less healthy than light soda pop?

It appears as though there may be a risk to drinking diet soda after all, although it has nothing to do with the alleged risk of obesity. Rather, there is evidence to suggest that drinking dark-colored diet cola (and dark-colored regular cola) can increase your risk of kidney disease. Based on a report published in the journal Epidemiology, drinking two or more dark-colored sodas -- such as Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, and similar generic brands -- per day doubles your chances of kidney disease. The phosphoric acid found in dark colas, but not in clear sodas such as Sprite and 7-Up, is what gives it its unique taste, but also what may lead to the development of kidney stones. This, in turn, can potentially lead to complications and disease.

What can cause glossy eyes while pregnant?

yes schmutz has glassy and dark white eyes

Can dark sodas cause someone's vagina to smell bad?

No, I would not blame the sodas directly but if you are suffering from a yeast infection which could very well be the smell, then the sugar in the soda drinks are feeding the yeast infection and causing the smell. Do you have a discharge? If you can help it, try and cut back on these types of drinks, or even better, don't drink them at all, they are no good for your health.

Is dark soda worse for your teeth than light soda is?

Most sodas are bad for your teeth , they contain acids, and sugars, the dark ones have the added fact , they stain your teeth.

Does dark soda stain teeth?

Yes, just like coffee and tea, cola and other "dark sodas" can stain your teeth. Carmel coloring and sugar rots teeth too.

What was the cause of Greeces Dark Ages?

The main cause of the Dark Ages was the Mycenaeans being conquered by the Dorians.