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Q: Can dehydration cause heart cramps
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How dehydration affect performance in soccer player?

dehydration affects a soccer players performance because it can cause leg cramps, stitches.

Can Alcohol cause leg cramps?

I do not know the medical reason for it -- but my mother developed an allergy to alcohol and if she had the smallest amount she would have terrible cramps. I seem to be developing the same thing. Even a half a glass of wine will cause me to have cramps. I would like to understand the cause as well.

Can drinking water prevent nighttime leg cramps?

Dehydration can be a cause of leg cramps therefore, drinking water can help to prevent them. Sitting for long periods of time and not getting enough potassium can also cause leg cramps.

What is the cause of heavy legs and cramps?

Even 1% dehydration can cause leg cramps during exercise. The buildup of lactic acid can cause severe cramping as can a deficiency in potassium and magnesium.A lack of sodium in the diet also leads to cramps during exercise.

What may cause a outdoor runner to have a headache feels tired and has an elevated heart rate?

My guess would be dehydration and/or overheating.

What causes lower stomach cramps diarrhoea constipation upper leg cramps?

possibly dehydration, drink water

Are compression stockings useful for relieving calf cramps?

Compression stockings may offer some relief for calf cramps. Calf cramps can be a sign of dehydration.

Is cramps in palms dangerous?

Cramps in the palms can be dangerous if you already have health issues. Most of the time it's dehydration issues.

What are the signs of deheration?

If you mean dehydration. The signs are weakness, dry mouth, tiredness, muscle cramps, sweating ceases, nausea, heart palpitations, decrease in urine, confusion, and finally coma.

Can dehydration cause you to have contractions?

Yes. Dehydration can cause preterm labor

Is it ok to take pseudoephedrin and drink alcohol?

No they will both cause depression of the CNS (breathing and heart rate) and dehydration.

Does dehydration cause hair loss?

Yes, dehydration can cause hair loss