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Chromosomal counting can be determined through amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling.

They are done if initial bloodwork or ultrasound shows a possibility for chromosomal abnormalities and routinely done for mothers 35 years old and up.

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Q: Can doctors tell how many chromosomes in a pregnancy?
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16 weeks. But most doctors wait until 21 weeks because the sex of the baby can change.

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Can doctors tell on scans if you were ever pregnant?

No. An ultra sound will only show an existing pregnancy. However you should be honest with your Dr about any past pregnancies.

How do you tell if you're pregnant but on birth control?

Take a pregnancy test. That is the best way to know. Your body can give you fake periods when you are pregnant or you can have a hidden pregnancy where you don't have a bump. The best way to know is to take a pregnancy can buy these or have one at your local doctors.

When can you tell that you're pregnant?

Only thing that can tell you that is a pregnancy test! GOOD LUCKHome pregnancy tests can detect the HCG pregnancy hormone as soon as your first missed period. Doctors can detect the HCG hormone as early as 9 days past ovulation with blood work. It is usually safe for couples to share the news of their pregnancy with family and friends after the end of the first trimester, or 12 weeks gestation.

What are the early signs of a multiple pregnancy?

There are no early signs of a multiple pregnancy. The only way to tell if you are going to have twins is when you have an ultra sound an the doctors office. You just have normal pregnancy symptoms, it isn't different in the early stages if you do happen to pregnant with more than one child.

You are almost 4 months late and you have taken serveral pregnancy test but they have all been negative What would you do?

go to the doctors and get a blood test. sometimes if you do a HPT too soon or wrong it can come out negative. the best way to tell is to get a blood test that can better tell the levels of the pregnancy hormone (:

How does a pregnancy test tell that you are pregnant?

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a glycoprotein hormone produced during pregnancy and the pregnancy test kits determine the pregnancy based on the availability of this hormone in your urine. These are fairly accurate if tested 2 weeks after gestation. Manufacturers claim that the test kits are 99% accurate. Doctors recommend to carry out the home pregnancy test a week after you missed the due date of your cycle.