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can dog's tapeworms go inside human skin?

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Q: Can dog's tapeworms go inside human skin?
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What are these hard yellow things shedding from your dog?

It must be tapeworms. if a dogs doesn't get it's worm shot it will do that. Worms eat dogs or cats organs and skin!

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No he was a dog made out of Humanism dogs' Humanisn dogs' skin.

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Not recommended! Human shampoo is too strong for dogs, or so my vet tells me. The P.H. of a dogs skin is lower than that of a human, so human shampoo would dry out their skin and cause more dander (flaking) than normal.

What do tapeworms do to their victim?

they eat the victim's skin and their become loads of holes and spots on the victim's skin.

How does a tapeworm enter into human body?

Tapeworms attach themselves to the wall of the intestines and absorb digested food directly through their skin. People can get infected with tapeworms by eating under-cooked pork. The larvae of the worm live in the muscle of pigs. If these larvae are eaten, they get into the human intestine and grow into adults. The eggs of the adults leave the human's body in the faeces. If pigs are allowed into the areas where there is human waste containing eggs, the eggs may be eaten by the pigs and the cycle starts again.

Is the brain the biggest organ inside the human body?

No. Suprisingly the skin is.

Does the outer skin of a human body has higher resistance than the inside of the human body?

no because the outer skin is dead and the inner skin is still alive and young. that is why when you scratch your skin, it turns white.

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A heavily spliced human's skin and organs.

What is the largest organ in a human?

The largest human organ is not actually "in" a human it is "on" a human. It is your skin, called the epidermis. "Inside" your body the liver is the largest organ.

Could chlorine in the pool hurt dogs skin?

Yes, chlorine can hurt a dogs skin. Full strength would be harmful, but the diluted clorine in a swimming pool wouldn't. A dog's skin isn't that much different than a human's.

Can you use a human conditioner on your 2 year old Chihuahua?

Yes but it would dry out your dogs skin.