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well it really depends on what YOU believe

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Q: Can dogs get demons
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Do demons attack dogs in haunted houses?

I would say no

Are spirits or demons afraid of dogs?

i think dogs are afraid of spirits/demons or like, the devil, if you do the 'devil sign' with your baby finger and your index finger and your thumb sticking out. (looks like a devil) and point your hand towards a dog, they get scared and back away. well, all the dogs ive done that too have did it..

Can dogs see demons in people?

Im not sure about people, but people have claimed they can se ghosts an other apperations.

How do our dogs contact us after they pass away and what do you look for?

In reality, ghosts and after the grave contacting does not exist. "Ghosts" are really demons that dress up like once living things. So your answer would be our dogs will never contact us after they pass away, unless if you consult demons which I hope you won't do.

Names of things starting with d?

Dogs, doublets, doubloons, dolphins, diamonds, devils, demons, ducks, dodos, dodecahedrons...

What demons can a non-member fight?

Lesser Demons, Greater Demons and Quest Demons.

What films include demons?

There are thousands of movies with demons a few are the obvious Demons,Demons 2,Night of the Demons which has just ben remade any exorcism movies will have demons in them as possesion is a demon trick.

Can you eat elephant ear plant?

Every year Elephants have sex with demons. Thanks.

Are demons scum?

Demons were once people. If the people were scum, then the demons are too.

Are pokemon's about demons?

No they are not demons!____________________________________________________________lol -they are not demons!- though some of them look like it. . .

Why are there sayings that cats and dogs can see ghosts?

Many people believe dogs and cats have a 6 sense. (like some humans have.) It allows them to sense and see spirits, Ghosts and demons. After Alot of research. Scientists believe this also.

Are trolls demons?

No you idiot. Trolls are trolls. Demons are demons. The clue's in the name, baby.