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They absolutely can! Veterinarians call this "flea bite dermatitis". In this type of condition, the saliva of the flea causes an allergic reaction in the dog. This is quite common, and can result in a dog feeling quite uncomfortable and itchy.

The best solution? Using flea products from your veterinarian, including advantage or revolution. Flea medications purchased from pet stores are less effective and less controlled. Certain flea medications from your veterinarian (such as Advantage) can kill the flea on contact, so the flea doesn't even need to bite the animal to die. Other medications kill when the flea feeds, but prevents full-blown flea problems by killing adult fleas and flea larva.

For dogs that have this condition, it is beneficial to keep the dogs on these types of medications whenever they are at high risk to getting fleas. Since dogs can get fleas all year round, some owners may choose to keep their pets on a flea control throughout year. Nutrition and supplements that help to maintain healthy skin and coat can also be used to reduce the symptoms.

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Q: Can dogs have allergies to flea bites?
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Is flea bites harmful to humans?

well yes flea bites can be harmful to humans but mostly when a flea bites a human it just gets itchy and annoying

Can you get diseases from flea bites?

One disease spread by flea bites was called Black Death.

What happens if a flea bites a human?

Flea bites are small red dots that itch. Cats or dogs can bring them in from outdoors and they can multiply in carpets, bedding etc. My cat brought them in, and I had small bites all over my ankles and that's how I discovered the fleas. I used a flea bomb insecticide that can be bought at any pet shop and worked very well.

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Black death was spread by flea bites. Flea bites transferred Yersinia pestis bacterium.

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Dogs can get dry and flaky skin for reasons such as sub burn, allergic reaction, or flea bites.

How do you know if a flea infestation is over?

No more flea bites

Can you get flea bites on your fingers?


Do flea bites always itch?

Flea bites itch because of the bacteria and dirt it puts in you when it bites.

Are flea bites dangerous to babies?

Flea bites can be dangerous to babies. The saliva of fleas contains anticoagulants which can cause severe infections in infants.

Can humans be allergic to flea bites?
