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Q: Can dogs with difrennt mothers but have the same dad have baby's together?
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How many netball teams in Australia and what are their names?

You must firstly count their mothers. Next you count the dogs. So there's currently 0 teams in Australia. Their names are mothers and Dogs. They have fun together.

What causes hemmoraging in dogs?

babys i think

Does dogs and cats make babys?

No, they are different species and can not interbreed.

Can you breed dogs with the same father but different mothers and will AKC recognize them?

Can you breed dogs with the same father. But different mothers and will akc recognize them

How many babys do Jack Russells have?

None, Jack Russells are dogs, they have puppies not babies.

Haw meany babys do dogs have the 1st time?

it depends on the dog but most of the time dogs have a big litterof about 8 the first time

How many babys can a prairie dog have?

Prairie dogs have 5-10 babies in each litter.

Can a cat and a rabbit have babies together?

No they cannot have babys together just like humans can not have babys with cats or dogs, monkeys or horses. there commplety different animals.if you did try to breed a male guinea pig with rabbit, the rabbit might want to be pregnent and will pull out all her fur to make a nest, but there will be NO babys.if you try to breed a male rabbit with female guinea pig, the guinea pig can be seriusly injerd as the rabbit is way to big for the guinea pig.ANSWER:No they can not have babys together!thank you hope i helped

What animal can roll them self?

All roll! Baby bears, cats,dogs even us as babys!

Does pups come out of the mothers but?

No. dogs give birth the same way humans do.

Can dogs and bunnies live together?

If they are both girls, they might have babies at the same time. Bunnies and dogs cannot have babies together.