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Q: Can drinking aloe vera cause elevated iron levels in your blood?
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What is more than normal blood potassium level called?

hyperkalemia is high blood potassium; diabetic ketoacidosis, renal failure, and trauma or tissue burns can cause elevated potassium levels or even certain medications such as ACE inhibitors and some types of diuretics.

Will an infection cause blood sugar levels to rise?


What does an elevated parathyroid hormone level mean?

It means that for whatever reason, your parathyroid glands are trying to increase your blood's calcium level. This may be a normal response if you are hypocalcemic. However, if your calcium levels are normal (or even high) it may be the result of a malfunction of the parathyroid glands. Chronically elevated parathyroid hormone will cause your bones to release so much calcium to your blood that weak bones result.

What are the symptoms of deficiency of the mineral chromium in humans?

Dietary deficiency of chromium is believed to be widespread in the United States, a consequence of eating too many processed foods from which the naturally occurring chromium has been removed. Chromium deficiency leads to insulin resistance, a condition in which the cells of your body do not respond to the presence of insulin. Insulin resistance can lead to elevated blood levels of insulin (hyperinsulinemia) and elevated blood levels of glucose, which can ultimately cause heart disease and diabetes. In fact, even mild dietary deficiency of chromium is associated with a medical condition known as Syndrome X, which includes hyperinsulinemia, high blood pressure, high triglyceride levels, high blood sugar levels, and low HDL cholesterol levels, all of which can increase your risk for heart disease.

What amino acid intermediate causes arterial damage?

Homocysteine is an amino acid intermediate that can cause arterial damage. Elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood have been associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including the development of atherosclerosis or the hardening and narrowing of the arteries. High homocysteine levels can damage the lining of blood vessels, promote blood clot formation, and contribute to inflammation, ultimately leading to arterial damage.

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i beleive elevated levels of selenium in drinking water can cause canceer

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Elevated bilirubin levels in blood and body fluids

How can elevated SGPT be cured?

SGPT is released into the blood when the heart or liver is damaged. Some issues that cause elevated SGPT levels are viral hepatitis, diabetes, congestive heart failure, liver damage, bile duct problems, infectious mononucleosis, or myopathy. To cure the elevated SGPT levels, the underlying cause needs to be determined and treated or cured.

Can elevated uric acid levels be the cause of an enlarged liver?

some how it cause.

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What does elevated albumin mean?

Elevated albumin levels in the blood can indicate dehydration, kidney disease, or an inflammatory condition. It may also be a sign of excessive protein intake or certain types of cancer. Further evaluation is needed to determine the underlying cause of the elevated levels.

High intake of protein can cause what?

Elevated blood cholesteol

What does it mean when you have high levels of vit b12 in your blood?

For the most part, elevated levels of vitamin B12 are not dangerous. However, there are a few diseases that may cause these levels to increase. These include hypereosinophilic syndrome, polycythemia Vera, and two forms of leukemia.

What do slightly elevated lipase mean with normal CT scan of pancreas?

You have a slightly elevated level of an enzyme, known as lipase, that digests fat levels. Raised levels of lipase in the blood serum can indicate a range of pancreatic disease, which you may need to have a biopsy (tissue sample performed) to determine the cause if the CT is negative.

What can cause high iron blood levels in a person?

One of the most common causes for high iron in the blood is a genetic condition called Hemachromatosis. Taking too many iron supplements can also be a common cause of high blood levels.