

Can dwarf hamsters see 6 inches away?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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I'm not sure. But I know they have very poor eyesight and worse depth perception. To make up for their loss in eyesight, they have very strong scent glands which they use to mark a trail whenever they are lost.

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Q: Can dwarf hamsters see 6 inches away?
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Can you show me how dwarf hamsters look like?

See link below for a photo:

Why should hamsters be kept alone?

not all hamsters have to be kept alone, in fact most hamsters like to be with others from the same type or family. dwarf hamsters, Chinese hamsters, robo dwarf hamsters, and lots more all like to be with family and others. If they are kept alone its either because of its personality, if they are put together with a type they don't connect with or because they see a threat . i hope this helps:)

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Not all Teddy Bear Hamsters have red eyes. Most have black eyes, grow to be about five inches long, and will bite if not cared for gently. Teddy Bear Hamsters have a light brown or gold coat, and prefer to live alone.

Are hamsters nearsighted?

Hamsters have naturally bad eyesight, but there isn't a massive chance of them developing blindness, although if your hamster seems to be confused or it's eyes seem glazed over or are leaving a discharge take it to a vet immediately.

What color is a dwarf hamster attracted to the most?

most rodants and other animals are color blind. Hamsters can only see about 6 inches in front of themselves. My hamster shows some intrest in blue, yellow, and purple.

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I recommend getting a dwarf hamster because dwarf hamsters are less territorial and most of the time can be kept together in the same cage. If you put two Syrian hamsters together they will fight to the death.

How far can a hamster see?

only 3 inches in front of their face, They also have HORRIBLE depth percepsion so keep them away from steep stairs

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hamsters dont realy drink much, i would wait and see what happens

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Do dwarf hamsters need their teeth cut?

Hamsters teeth can grow. So if it grows too big, they will have difficulty eating and if they can't eat they will die from starvation. So if you see your hamster biting the bars of its cage, give it something else to wear its teeth down.

What is the lifespan of a dwarf hamster?

Different dwarf hamsters have different lifespans: * Chinese dwarf hamster has a lifespan of 2 to 3 years * a Russian dwarf has a lifespan of 1.5 to 2 years, but if well looked after, can live longer - even 4 or 5 years * roboroski dwarf has a lifespan of 3 to 3.5 years Most average dwarf hamsters live to about 2-3 years.

Do hamsters have a special home?

hamsters do really have a special home.....sorta because they like to get away from people and just hide and have borrows in their homes like in most petstores you would see a little igloo they make nests in them and hide when they want to get away from it all.