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No, but too much might give you indigestion.

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Q: Can eating candy late at night give you nightmares?
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Does eating ice cream before bed give you nightmares?

Eating ice cream before bed could cause nightmares. Studies have shown that eating high sugar foods such as ice cream can cause nightmares.

What movie will give you nightmares?

the remake of friday the 13th gave me nightmares. so did jaws. insidious kept me up at night. and martyrs was freaky

Does caffeine give you nightmares?

Caffine does give you nightmares.. the type of night mares where u wake up and you have a big puddle of pee on your bed. ur nightmares will have u running from a man in a mask and he has a blooding nife while wearing bunny slippers.

Can nightmares give us fevers?

no. Nightmares can't give you fevers

Does eating beef give you nightmares?

no unless you were thinking about scary things while eating it, or you had a unlucky thing that day, so if its that reason, No.

Does eating to much candy give you zits?

yes eating too much sugar can contibute to the amount of zits on your face.

Will eating candy make you sick?

Eating too much candy can give a person a stomach ache as well. Timothy Phi said: i could have said that... look more carefully at the question. biologically, how, what chemicals in candy make you sick or what does the sugar do to make you sick?

How can you give yourself nightmares?

Why you would want to do this is beyond us, but often if you eat very spicy food, and much too much of it, you will have nightmares or bizarre dreams... that is, if you don't spend the night chumming the porcelain sea.

Will the movie Shutter Island give you nightmares?

it's a disturbing film so yes it could give you nightmares

Why did Monkeybone wanted to give people nightmares?

Monkeybone wanted to give people nightmares because he is a mischievous creature. Nightmares are entertainment in the underworld where Monkeybone had dwelt so he enjoys them.

Does any sort of food cause nightmares?

No, there is no particular food that causes nightmares. But different individuals are sensitive to certain foods that might cause indigestion or abdominal pain which can disturb sleep. Disturbed sleep, in turn, can cause nightmares. So it is not the food itself that is responsible for the nightmares, but the indigestion and discomfort that disrupts sleep.

How do bananas give you nightmares?

They don't