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Q: Can eating clay causes fibroid
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What causes fibroid?

A fibroid is commonly caused by genetic changes. However, they also can be caused by hormones and other growth factors within the human body.

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Is eating clay unhealthy in any way?

Many people (especially pregnant women) with iron or other mineral deficiencies have the urge to eat clay, dirt, and laundry starch. The urge to eat things that aren't normally considered foods is called "pica" Eating clay can be unhealthy because there are a lot of dangerous germs (bacteria) that could be living in the soil you are consuming. The organism that causes the lethal foodborne illness botulism actually resides in the soil. I would recommend against eating clay, and instead discuss with your doctor or dietitian things you can substitute instead of eating clay.

What is a fibroid?

A fibroid on the top of your uterus

What causes secondary dysmenorrhea?

Secondary dysmenorrhea may be caused by endometriosis, fibroid tumors, or an infection in the pelvis.

What is a fundal fibroid?

A fibroid on the top of your uterus

What causes large clots in your period?

Large clots can be the result of fibroid tumors which are not cancerous. See a doctor if you are concerned.

How do you correctly spell 'systic fibroid'?

cystic fibroid

Can eating clay cause cancer?

clay does not cause cancer it is just dirt,gravel and water

How big is a 9.4cm in length 5.4cm in width uterine fibroid?

If the fibroid is perfectly rectangular, then the area of one of its surfaces is 50.76 cm. That is large for a uterine fibroid.

What causes your eating habits to change?

Enormous amount of stress causes your eating habits to change.

Can fibroid erupt?
