

Can eating raw mince give you stomach bacteria?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can eating raw mince give you stomach bacteria?
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Colonic bacteria is, quite simply, bacteria found in the colon. Humans and their intestinal bacteria usually live in a symbiotic relationship: we give bacteria a warm home and food, and they give us nutrients from eating that food.

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It will slowly shrink after several days to a week, which will give you the ability to begin eating less; thus allow your stomach to further shrink

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When you eat spicy foods, they often produce a lot of stomach acid. Stomach acid can give you a stomach ache.

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It doesn't. But perhaps heartburn and an upset, bubbly stomach.

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It may give you gas or indigestion as it will cause bubbles in the stomach.

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Antibiotics. A major contributor to ulcers is the helicobacter pylori bacteria.

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Yes, it give nutrients. Also the dogs stomach has a acid that kills any bacteria.

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No, it will give u a fat stomach. Eat chicken and other protein, then jog and do squats.

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It is not HARMFUL, but will definetley give you a terrible stomach ache, if eaten in large quantity it could be harmful.

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get them to drink water. If they are having stomach problems give them white rice with chicken or beef broth.

Why not to eat raw mince?

You should never eat raw mince as it can give you worms. I understand that it is a french delicacy, but i would seriously advise against this practice. Catherine, london.

If i ate mentos and drank coke would I explode Or like get a really bad stomach ache?

Drinking coke and eating mentos might give you a stomach ache, but it certainly wouldn't make you explode.