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Q: Can emotion change pupil size
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What happens to the lensecornea and pupil when lights hits it?

Nothing. AFTER the light is detected and calibrated, the pupil may change size.

Does pupil size remain constant while focusing fixed near point object?

Yes, pupil size should not be affected by the focal distance, unless there is a change in the amount of light at that distance. To change focal distance, the lens contracts or expands. The pupil dilates and constricts based upon how much ambient light there is.

A) Size of pupil becomes __________________when you see in dim light?

size of pupil becomes larger when you see in dim light

how to change your eye color naturally?

sun exposurecan activate a hormone that changes your pupil size thus your eye color

What is anisocoria?

unequal pupil size

What adjusts the size of the pupil?


Is it possible to break your pupil?

Eye trauma can damage the muscle that controls pupil size.

Which part of the eyes control size of the pupil?

the part of the eye that controls the pupil is the iris

Do you have to think about it when you want the size of your pupil to change?

No; the change in the size of your pupil is an involuntary action, meaning that it happens without you thinking about it. The size of your pupils adjust to stimuli, such as bright light. If a bright light was shined in your eyes, your pupils would get smaller in order to let as little light in as possible. Reversely, if you're in a dark room, your pupils will get bigger to let in as much light as possible.

Is it possible for your pupil to grow bigger than your iris?

No. The pupil can only open to the size of the iris.

Where is the iris located?

The iris is the layer that surrounds the pupil and controls the size and diameter of the pupil. It also controls the amount of light that reaches the pupil.

What is the size of pupil of death people?
