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Q: Can epidural stopped menstruation
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Can you get pregnant at the age of 47?

If you are pre-menopausal (menstruation/your period has not stopped), then it is possible to become pregnant.

What females are most vulnerable to secondary amenorrhea?

Secondary amenorrhea occurs in women of childbearing age after a period of normal menstruation and is diagnosed when menstruation has stopped for three months. It can occur in women of any age.

Can you get epidural with every birth?

Yes, you can get an epidural with each birth.

Is an epidural for labor and an epidural for back pain the same?

They are the same

What area is the anesthesia is administered to numb the nerves from the uterus and birth passage without stopping labor?


If you are endued can you still get an epidural?

yes you can have and epidural if you are induced - Christina ballesteros

Should you get epidural?

Heck yeah, get the epidural! Especially if you are a woman in labor!

What is the unscrambled word for pedirula?

The anagram is the medical term "epidural."

You stopped breast feeding on Tuesday and started your period on Saturday is this normal?

Actually, it is normal for the body to begin menstruation again right after weaning.

How to stop a period for 2 days?

menstruation cannot really be stopped however drinking milk can reduce symptoms like cramps and irritability

Does epidural anesthesia cause swelling in feet after giving birth?

when you get the epidural could you get swelling?

As a teenage girl why have i stopped gaining weight and why have my periods stopped?

Are you sure you have not changed your diet or started exercising a lot? If not, you should see a doctor about this. When the menstruation stays away for months it is a sign something is wrong. Speak to your mom.