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Q: Can eye floaters be removed without surgery?
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What is the purpose of vitrectomy surgery?

A vitrectomy is a surgery performed on the eye. This surgery removes the gel of the eye known as the vitreous humor. It is used to aid in the treatment of eye conditions such as vitreous floaters and retinal detachment.

Can Viagra cause eye floaters in one eye?

No. That would not be a typical reaction. Viagra is in no way connected to eye floaters. There can be serious side effects causing vision loss, but not floaters.

Can astigmatism give you eye floaters?

No - astigmatism only has to do with the shape of your eye. Floaters are a natural part of aging due to the changes in the jelly-like vitreous in the back of your eye. If you see many floaters, or floaters with flashes of light, make an appointment to see an eye doctor.

What causes eye floaters?

floaters form from solid vitreous fluid in the eye when you were a baby as you age it dissolves

Can the eye floaters tickle you?

Floaters can't be felt. Dr. Dan

Is it true that eye floaters are black in older people and white in young people?

No, I have eye floaters and I'm young, and they are black.

Are Eye Floaters bad to have at age 13?

You need to see an optometrist for an eye exam Another answer No, eye floaters are not bad, a lot of people have them, they usually won't remove them.

What eye problem has floaters and redness?


Can eye floaters come in color?


Can you still drive with eye floaters?

no dummy

Had cataract surgery and now have floaters?

A new floater after cataract surgery could indicate presence of retinal tear or hole. When associated with flashes of light or a "curtain" over the visual field, floaters are especially concerning. Retinal holes or tears may lead to retinal detachment and eventually, loss of vision, if not properly managed. Therefore, it is important to let one's eye surgeon know of any significant eye problems after surgery for early detection and treatment.

Can the eye floaters be treated?

The term “eye floaters” is very common now. The number of patients seeking treatment for eye floaters is increasing gradually. What is an eye floater? It just means “Something that floats”. The patient experiences small dark objects – dots, webs, strings, thread, etc. in front of the eyes. It is not fixed, but moving. It darts away when the patient tries to focus on it. So, the name – eye floaters. Simple eye floaters in a small level is harmless. It is seen in without any visual impairment or any other serious symptom, especially in senile people. But eye floaters are seen as a symptom in many other severe ophthalmic pathologies such as chorioretinopathy, macular edema, high myopia, retinal detachment, vitreous detachment, macular degeneration, etc. In hypertensive retinopathy and diabetic retinopathy also, patients may experience floaters. So, a differential diagnosis becomes absolutely necessary to proceed with treatment.