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Q: Can father O positive and mother O negative have daughter w O negative?
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Caan ab positive father an a negative daughter?

# yes, if father is + - for RH and mother - - (negative) or + - (positive); the father can generate sons A, B, or AB depending by mother's group.

Can o positive mother and a A negative father make a O positive daughter?


Can a father who has a blood type O positive can he father a daughter who has O Negative Blood Type?

yes, the mother could o negative

Can an o positive mother and an o negative father have an a positive baby?

can an o positive and an o negative make an a positive baby

Can an A positive father and a B positive mother have a B negative child?

If the mother is A negative, and the father is B positive, they could have children who are A negative, A positive, B negative, B positive, AB negative, AB positive, O negative, or O positive.

If mother is a positive and father is o positive can daughter be a positive?


Can an A positive father and A negative mother produce both A positive and A negative children?


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O positive father and A negative mother what will child be?

o positive

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