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In some states yes and vice versa.

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Q: Can female corrections officers pat down male prisoners?
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Why do prisoners get sent to the dark room?

The black room is the name prisoners gave to the hole. It is basically a cell down in the basement of the unit to control a prisoner who cannot get along with other in the general public or are abusive to the correctional officers.

Can a female strip search a male?

Unless there is some specific prohibition in your area, yes. In fact the idea that a male searches a male and a female searches a female is normally policy, not regulation. A small department may not have an officer of the 'correct' sex available when a search needs to be done, so whoever is available can perform the searches.

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Can female police officers search male s?

Yes, in the absence of a male officer a female officer may pat down (for weapons) a male subject she has under arrest - then handcuff and secure him until the arrival of a male officer to conduct a more thorough body search. It is the same rule that applies when a male officer must search a female arrestee.

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She broke down (cried) when she heard she did not pass the quiz.

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Punishment can be right for prisoners because they need to rehabilitate and understand what they have done wrong, so the recidivism rates will go down.

Was it the Officers fault that the Titanic sunk?

No, it was mainly down to the captain.

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yes female start to calm down when you get her fixed but if you have a male to you should get him fixed to or the female won't settle down that easily

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The battleship USS Oklahoma had a complement of about 854 Officers and Men. About 395 Men and 20 Officers went down with the ship.

Where are the most psychotic prisoners held?

In 24 hour lock down cells all by themselves. . .

How many prison guards in the US?

It cannot be certain, but the average officer to inmate coverage is 1:15. The inmate population in the US in 2004 was 2.5 million, and that number has likely gone up rather than down in the last 8 years. Using the 2004 number though, an estimated 166,667 US corrections officers. The actual amount is likely higher.

How many prisoners in Marquette Michigan prison?

alot of prisoners, to be exact! they have been closing some of there prisons in Marquette, like the farm and some level ones. so i would guess they are down to about 1100.