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I have a female rottie that produced milk for three hound mix puppies that would just go up there and she would lay down and let them eat she has been fixed but she did it. the maternal instinct kicks in and they produce it. some dogs can if they want to others cant but yeah she can if she wants to

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Q: Can female rottweiler produce milk if not pregnant?
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H ow can I get my dog to produce milk for a litter that is not hers?

Female animals do not begin to produce milk until they are pregnant. My suggestion is to talk to a local vet for a formula for the puppies.

Can a female produce milk?

Female mammals are the only organisms that can produce milk, period.

Can you produce milk if you are not pregnant?


Can female mice produce milk without being pregnant?

No Allthough Hamsters Do But You Dont Have To Milk Hamsters And There Milk Tastes Horrible....Belive Me I Tryed It By Building A Hamster Milker

Is an intercourse the main reason for producing milk in females?

While the act of intercourse can help produce milk in female, milk is not the direct result of intercourse. Milk is produced in females when they become pregnant.

Do goats produce milk all of the time or only when pregnant?

Neither. Female goats produce milk after the kids are born, and for up to two years thereafter, depending on breed, lineage, and how they are managed. After they dry up, they can then be bred again, and will produce milk again after their next kidding.

Does female donkey gives milk?

Yes, and it's the world's most expensive cheese.

If you start to pump will you produce breast milk if you are not pregnant?

It will take weeks, most likely, to get a decent flow of milk, but yes, you will produce breast milk if you're not pregnant and pump. Even men can produce breast milk if they pump. Read the instructions that come with it.

Do you have to be pregnant to produce or leak milk?

You'd have to give birth to young first before you produce or leak milk.

When do pregnant goats produce milk?

Once they have kidded

Can you produce breast milk if you never been pregnant?
