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Not in those who are otherwise healthy. Normally a person's healthy immune system would be able to rid the body of the influenza virus in under a month. If the symptoms last beyond that, you would be wise to consult your doctor to see if you have an immune system disorder or perhaps a different disease with symptoms that are similar (there are many diseases and disorders with flu-like symptoms).

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11y ago

Actually some of the influenza vaccinations last for a lifetime and others will lose efficacy gradually over time. Some last five years and beyond. It depends on your individual immune system function and on the match of the vaccine to the strain of flu virus to which you are exposed. The better the match, the more effective the vaccine.

The problem is the virus itself changes so the old vaccine is often not effective against the new mutated virus. This is why medical experts recommend you receive an annual flu vaccine, particularly if you are around young children, the elderly or those with weak immune systems (those with cancer, organ transplants, HIV/AIDS or auto-immune diseases).

Each year the strains of the flu viruses that are used to create that season's vaccine are selected by epidemiologists and virologists based upon the most likely types to be in your environment during that season. They make these predictions from data collected in the Eastern Hemisphere in the flu season there, which occurs before the season in the Western Hemisphere. Sometimes the prediction is a bulls eye and the match is perfect, sometimes only close.

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Yes. For the 2010-2011 flu season in the Northern Hemisphere, the seasonal flu vaccination will include the vaccine for H1N1 (Swine Flu) along with the two other flu viruses that are anticipated to be prevalent this year. So only one flu vaccination is needed for this flu season. You can still take it even if you had the H1N1/09 flu vaccination last year or if you had the flu last year. It will not hurt to get it again and it will be the most recent strain of that virus, so in case the one you had was slightly different, this one will protect you from it, too.

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Do you need Swine Flu jab every year?

No, only one time should provide immunity for life. However, in the US for the 2010-2011 flu season, the vaccine for swine flu H1N1/09 is included in the "regular" flu vaccinations. If you had it last year, it won't hurt to have it again.

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The flu virus mutates enough each year that immunity to last year's strain doesn't mean you will be immune to this year's strain.That's why, each year, they manufacture flu vaccine based on what they think that year's strain will look like. Sometimes they're wrong, and that year's vaccine isn't effective against that year's flu, but this is fairly uncommon.The H1N1 vaccine is tailored specifically to the swine flu outbreak this year, and has been proven to be effective against it.

Should you get a Swine Flu vaccination if you got a seasonal flu shot?

Last flu season, 2009-2010, you needed two shots. But this year the seasonal flu shot also protects against swine flu, so, in the US, you only need one flu shot for the 2010-2011 flu season.

How long does immunization against Swine Flu last I was inoculated last year does it cover this year also?

Immunization from a vaccination or from having had that exact type of flu will give you lifetime immunity. However, because viruses tend to mutate into other kinds of flu, your body may not recognize the germs as the same and then you would need protection from the new mutated virus, too. The 2010-2011 seasonal flu vaccination in the US contains the H1N1/09 vaccine along with vaccine for two other kinds of flu. If you had the swine flu vaccine last season, then it will not hurt you to take the vaccine again when you get the seasonal flu vaccination and it might help.

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