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1mo ago

Diuretics, such as fluid pills, are not typically known to cause a person to fail a drug test. Drug tests are typically looking for specific substances, such as illegal drugs or certain prescription medications, rather than diuretics. However, it is always important to disclose all medications and supplements you are taking before a drug test to avoid any misunderstandings.

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Example of an Default of the debtor?

An example of default by a debtor could be when they fail to make payments on a loan or mortgage as agreed upon in the terms of the contract. This could result in late fees, penalties, and ultimately, repossession of the collateral if the default continues.

Why isn't opium poppies grown in the US legally?

Opium poppies contain compounds used to make drugs like heroin, leading to restrictions on their cultivation in the US to prevent illegal drug production and trafficking. The cultivation of opium poppies for medical use is tightly regulated and limited to licensed growers to control the production and distribution of opiate medications.

CAN you MAKE MY seventeen old be drug tested without consent?

It is important to respect your teenager's rights and privacy. In most places, drug testing a minor without consent is not legal unless there are extenuating circumstances like suspicion of harm to themselves or others. It is recommended to have an open and honest conversation with your teenager and seek professional guidance if needed.

Can a cosigner on a student loan can I take signer to court?

Yes, a cosigner on a student loan can take the primary signer to court if they fail to make payments on the loan. As a cosigner, you are equally responsible for the loan and have the legal right to seek repayment through legal action if necessary. It's important to consult with a legal professional for guidance on the specific circumstances of your situation.

Can conns appliance physically repossess an unpaid appliance?

Yes, Conn's can physically repossess an unpaid appliance if you fail to make payments as agreed upon in the purchase or lease agreement. They have the legal right to take back the appliance if you default on payments.

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