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Yes. Malaysian Trumpet Snails live in and on top of sand substrates. While most snails will crawl happily over the sand, Malaysian Trumpet Snails will burrow through it. They don't burrow much if at all in gravel, which is too large to easily push aside.

Much debris - fish mulm, food scraps, etc. - accumulates on top of the sand, more than accumulates on top of gravel. Snails have better access to debris as a food source on a sand surface than they do on gravel, which allows much of the debris to fall through. MTS feed on what they find below the sand's surface as well on top and turn over the sand as they burrow, which keeps the sand aerobic and "live."

Bonus: MTS don't disturb the roots of any plants rooted in the substrate.

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Q: Can freshwater lake snails eat sand?
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What does freshwater lake snails eat?

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What kills freshwater snails?

There are many chemicals that will kill freshwater snails but they will also kill fish and some will kill plants too. The best way I have found to remove snails is to have a few Clown loaches (Botia macracantha) or a couple of freshwater Puffer fish to kill and eat them.

Can people eat freshwater molluscs?

Yes; several different kinds of freshwater snails (a kind of mollusc) are used in Asian cooking. Some examples are pictured in the Wikipedia article on freshwater snails (see related link below).

What eats algae in freshwater biomes?

Many types of animals eat algae in freshwater. Snails, fish, bivalves and even birds are all common algae eaters.

Can you put garden snails in your fish tank?

Yes snails can live in a fish tank, and they can breed.

Do some snails eat fish?

Freshwater snails will certainly eat dead fish, as will a variety of marine snails. There are predatory snails called cone snails that live in the pacific that hunt, kill and eat fish like any other type of predator. They have a type of venemous harpoon that they are able to launch into fish. This paralyses the fish instantly and then the snail eats it.

What kind of conditions do water snails live in?

I recommend anything with water and space for the snails to eat. Basically any freshwater fish tank with be okay for the snails. I must tell you though, never to put snails in with beta fish because sometimes the beta fish will try to eat the snail so i recommend putting them in with goldfish or some other freshwater fish. I have a 10 gallon freshwater tank with a common goldfish and a golden inca snail and they live happily together. I hope this helps!

What insects live in the freshwater ecosystem?

it eats you mum

What do salt water snails eat?

Hi my names Adri, Snails eat mushrooms, fruit, leaves, flowers, bark, algae, limestone, chalk, damp paper and cardboard.They drink water dont give them water at home or they will die :( But i give my snails only a little water they wont die like that They love rain...Anyways i have a lot of pets going to have more ask me about turtles if you want to bye!

How and what snails eat?

snails eat veggies