

Can frogs harm you

Updated: 12/21/2022
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11y ago

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Depends on the frog.

There are many different species of frogs. Most are harmless. Some are dangerous because they produce poison. Frogs and toads native to Europe and North America are usually of the harmless kind. The poisonous ones tend to live in warmer places near the equator, such as parts of South America.

That said, frogs and toads are afraid of humans and will try to run away. Even if you were to come across a poisonous frog the only way to be harmed by it is to do something silly, like try to catch it.

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Tap water contains chemicals such as chlorine and chloramine that are used to treat it. In standard drinking water the levels of these chemicals are not high enough to harm strong, healthy, common frogs. Weak frogs, very small frogs or sick frogs may be adversely affected. If you put tadpoles in tap water they will die.

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Not poisonous Simply put, glass frogs are not poisonous. They don’t have any toxins that could harm people or other animals. In fact, they’re considered pretty safe and can make great pets if you can provide for them.

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How can you prevent frogs from congregating along the ceiling of your porch?

Mix a batch of bleach and water, 1/2 cup bleach to 3 gallon water in a insecticide sprayer and spray the ceiling and allow to dry. The dry bleach stings but doesnt harm the frogs wet bellys.

Where is the poison dart frogs poison?

Most species, and there are several, release an alkaloid toxin through their skin. They do not synthesize their own poison but store chemical toxins from some of the insects they eat like ants and termites. This is good since it means that many captive frogs do not have sufficient levels of toxin to harm their owners. It is the secretions of the skin of the poison dart frogs that is toxic. All the frogs of this family "borrow" toxins from what they eat that actually makes the toxins (mostly ants and mites) because the frogs themselves don't manufacture the poisons. These toxins, a few of which can be quite dangerous, are "worn" by the frogs for protection.

Have have found a male and a female frog in my back garden what should i do?

Unless they seem to be trapped, just leave them. The frogs will eventually move to another location, and they won't cause harm.