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No, but the pubic area is prone to folliculitis/ingrown hairs-- which behave the way you are describing. If you are female, it is normal to have some bumps around your vulva. If you are male, small, raised bumps around the glans are also normal.

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Q: Can genital wart pop like pimples and heal normally like pimple will it grow back on the same are its popped?
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Can you get rid of pimples with achool?

Once a pimple is popped you can dab a little rubbing alcohol on it to dry out the pimple

What is a pimple made out off blood?

I dont think they can but if you are after popping a pimple then it will bleed. If you can see the blood before you popped it then I would advise you to go to your doctor to get a treatment for spots and pimples.

How do you get rid of a pimple you already popped?

It is not wise to pop pimples since you spread the infection to other parts of your face will be infected with pimples. It also makes the wound open making it prone to infection.To treat you popped pimples wash your face with antibiotic soap or soap with glycerin. The treat your pimples natural remedies like lemon, honey or aloe vera.

White headed pimples on your penis head what is it?

Ive had them to, its just that, a pimple. i popped it and it went away in about 4 or 5 days. nothing ever came back

What would happen if you popped the pimple on your penis?

if you were to have a pimple on your penis and then popped it, it would be painful and it is possible that it could get infected.

How can one avoid getting scars from pimples?

To avoid getting scars from pimples, do not pop any that require excessive force or are not yet finished with the cycle. If a pimple has a clear whitehead and is ready to be popped, use a sterilized needle and clean it with alcohol afterward.

When a pimple is popped can it be cured?

Yes, but if it is popped it can cause redness in the area.

Pimples on glans?

hey guys... i have a pimple on my penis, then i popped it. and it turned black the next day. now im kind've worried because its on my penis and yeah... so what is it, is it a blood clot ? and what can i do. thanks

Why should you stop popping pimples once blood or a clear fluid start to come out?

Anytime you pop a pimple you are putting yourself at risk for scarring. When you pop a pimple it forces the bacteria further into the pore. Even if it looks like all the "stuff" came out and there is just blood or clear fluid there is still bacteria in the pore and on your fingers which is then able to enter the open wound where you popped the pimple.

Is Soulja Boy pimple popped?

Yes it is popped. But if you want to see it for yourself go to youtube and type in soulja boy pimle being popped.

What causes purplish pimples on your stomach?

Pimples that form on the stomach are generally ingrown hairs. They are often mistaken for pimples, when they are then popped they tend to become infected.

Do pimples get bigger after being popped?

Pimples can indeed get bigger after being popped due to the release of bacteria, oil, and debris into surrounding pores, leading to further inflammation. The popping process may also cause trauma to the skin, prompting the body to produce more inflammatory substances, making the pimple appear more prominent. Additionally, improper extraction techniques can result in the spread of infection and the development of new pimples in the surrounding area. It's generally advisable to avoid popping pimples and to seek professional guidance for safe and effective acne management.