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Birth Control stops more than 99% of pregnancies, combined with fingering after wiping off semen. . .

I'd say no, she couldn't get pregnant. Of course, there may be a tiny, 0.00000000000000001% chance. . .

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Q: Can girl get pregnant if she is on birth control and you touch her with your finger after you wipe off the sperm on the finger?
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Can sperm get you pregnant while on birth control?

Yes. However you decrease the chances by taking your birth control correctly and by using condoms.

What if you stop taking birth control while sperm is still in you?

If you stop you'll probably end up pregnant. Yes sperm is still in you. Birth control controls the hormones in your body so the birth control is already doing it's job. By the time your body absorbs the sperm or disperses it, ( a couple of days), the birth control hormones are still present so it is unlikely you would get pregnant at this time. But after this, you won't be protected against pregnancy and your chances of becoming pregnant increase every day after that. In other words, it takes a few days for the birth control to stop working even after stopping the birth control.

Is a virgin women can pregnant with wet sperm finger?

Yes, it doesn't matter how the sperm get inside the vagina. If it's in it can get you pregnant.

Is it possible for a woman to get pregnant if you remove your penis immediately after penetrating?

If you are not using a condom, or she is not on birth control, there's a definite possibility she could get pregnant from pre-ejaculate. It still has countless number of sperm in it. This would be an incredibly unwise form of birth control.

Is there a way to get pregnant on birth control without actually stopping?

Yes, birth control can and does fail. The only 100% effective method of birth control is for eggs to not come into contact with sperm via either sterilization procedures or not having sexual intercourse.

What happens to sperm when you are on birth control?

Sperm is not affected by hormonal birth control; it does the same thing it does if you're not on birth control, except that there's some decrease in how much sperm can get into the uterus (due to thickening of the cervical mucus). Hormonal birth control affects the egg.

How long after you think you may be pregonant do you have to start taking birth control to get rid of the sperm or baby?

Taking birth control if you are already pregnant or it's been days/weeks since you had unprotected sex, will not kill sperm or baby. It WILL however potentially cause permanent birth defects in an unborn child you may be carrying. Birth control is to prevent you from ovulating (releasing an egg) if you were not taking it and got pregnant- starting to take it won't kill sperm that will have already died off or an egg that has already been fertilized. Birth control is for PREVENTING pregnancy, not terminating and EXISTING one.

Can you be pregnant if you used the morning after pill and the withdraw method?

Yes. You have been unprotected during intercourse and the MAP is not 100% sure. Pulling out is not a birth control method. 25% get pregnant and you will be too within 2 years of that is what you use as protection. There is sperm in pre ejaculate too and that can get you pregnant. Get on birth control.

Can your get pregnant while on birth control and without penetration?

If you are taking your birth control properly (same time ever day/night, not missing pills, not using antibiotics, etc) and use the condom properly it is HIGHLY unlikely that you will but there is a small smidgen of possiblity that you could get pregnant.

Can the birth control pill kill sperm?

No. Birth control pills work by altering the estrogen, and progesterone hormones in women. Essentially, it tricks her body into thinking she's already pregnant, so she will stop ovulating. The only thing that kills sperm is spermicide and even that doesn't kill them ALL and isn't 100% effective. The copper IUD affect sperm mobility to keep sperm from reaching the egg.

Is it possible to get pregnant if taking birth control daily around the same time every night if you were touched in the vagina with sperm on it that is white and appears in a clumpy state?

No. Sperm has nothing to do if it touches your vagina. As the pill will not let the sperm enter the fallopian tube (where your "eggs" are waiting to be fertilised). So, don't worry. It is safe to have sex if you're taking birth control pills.

Would pre come get you pregeant?

YES. pre come still has live sperm in it . The pull out method is not a form of birth control .So your answer is yes you can get pregnant.