

Can golden hamsters live together

Updated: 8/18/2019
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The black bit in the middle

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Q: Can golden hamsters live together
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Can golden retrievers and hamsters live together?

golden retrievers are beautiful carm animals that get along with most other animals they should be fine.

Do Golden hamster live solitaire?

If you mean do golden hamsters live by themselves yes they are not very social and can't live with other hamsters accept occasionally two siblings will get along.

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How does a golden hamster live?

Golden Hamsters live 3-4 years, and if it's lucky, 5.

How long does a golden hamster live?

Golden Hamsters live 3-4 years, and if it's lucky, 5.

How old do golden hamsters get?

They live to be 15 years old.

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Why are hamsters fighting if brought up together?

Even hamsters that are siblings will fight because they like to live alone. Dwarf hamsters can live together though, but only if they re brought up together.

How long does a golden lives?

Golden Hamsters live 3-4 years, and if it's lucky, 5.

Can you let hamsters live together?

it really depends what hamster you've got .. if its a Syrian hamster or (golden,teddy bear). then NO the hamsters will continually fight and kill each other if they are dwarf you could but you will have to try them in a neutral environment

Can a mother and daughter dwarf hamster live together with out fighting?

Yes my hamsters live together and my father and sons hamsters do aswel, but I think I have been able to do this as the are Campbell's hamsters and were introduced at a young and met in a box regularly

Are golden hamsters more aggresssive than angora hamsters?

Angora hamsters are Syrian (Golden) Hamsters. They just have a special fur variant.