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golden retrievers are beautiful carm animals that get along with most other animals they should be fine.

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Q: Can golden retrievers and hamsters live together?
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Can golden hamsters live together?

The black bit in the middle

What is a golden retriever's habitat?

golden retrievers live in a house

How old can a golden retreiver get?

golden retrievers can live up to 13 years old...

Why are English Golden Retrievers lighter color than American Golden Retrievers?

there are blonde goldies, brown and chocolate ones no matter what country they live in.

What environments do golden retrievers live in?

Golden Retrievers need to live in cold environments. To be most comfy. When they get to hot they will sleep on their backs with their legs wide open. Funniest thing you will ever see.

What is the live spand of golden retrievers?

any where between 12-14 years

Do Golden hamster live solitaire?

If you mean do golden hamsters live by themselves yes they are not very social and can't live with other hamsters accept occasionally two siblings will get along.

Do dwarf hamsters live as long as golden hamster?


How does a golden hamster live?

Golden Hamsters live 3-4 years, and if it's lucky, 5.

How long does a golden hamster live?

Golden Hamsters live 3-4 years, and if it's lucky, 5.

Why do golden retrievers need cells?

All living things need cells to live

How old do golden hamsters get?

They live to be 15 years old.