

Can goldfish work out

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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yeh you can train your gold fish to jump though hoops ! try looking it up on YouTube

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Q: Can goldfish work out
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How can you tell on a goldfish?

Before I tell on a goldfish, I try to work the problem out with the goldfish. If I cannot work out the problem, I generally tell the goldfish's Mother or Father in person.

Does a betta need a filtered tank or would a goldfish bowl work?

they can live in goldfish bowls i have always kept my beta in a goldfish bowl and my last beta lived between 4-5 years in a goldfish bowl.

How do you treat white mold on goldfish?

Feed it different food.And if that doesn't work than that is how your goldfish was born.

What breed of fish gets along with the fantail goldfish other than the fantail goldfish?

another gold fish or try asking someone in a pet shop that sells fish maybe they can help

What are some of the breeds of goldfish?

Some common breeds of goldfish are: the Black Moor goldfish, the Ryunkin goldfish, the comet goldfish, the common goldfish, the Calico Fantail goldfish, the telescope eye goldfish, the bubble eye goldfish, the pearl scale goldfish and the Oranda goldfish.

Is pleco food bad for goldfish?

Plecos' are algae eaters (basically vegetarians). Goldfish are plant, insect, crustacea and fish eaters. (basically omnivourous). What do you think? Work it out!

What was a piece of paul klee's work?

" the Goldfish" "Kosmiche Composition" "Erinnerung an einen Gart"

Why is your plecostomus eating your goldfish?

Plecostomus are algae eaters they are not carnivores. They are also tropical fish so they should never be in an aquarium with coldwater fish like goldfish. If your Plecco is eating your goldfish you must be doing something very very wrong. Work it out. They can live with your goldfish but this may happen, This is because you are not feeding them enough most likely.

Can you put a frog in an aquarium with a goldfish?

No you cannot put a frog with goldfish; goldfish belong with goldfish

What type of algae eater is best for a goldfish tank with four goldfish?

it doesn't really matter what kind of algae eater you get for the tank.In my experience with goldfish I've found that plecos work well although they get very big and will need to be kept in a very large tank.

How large a tank for a goldfish?

Usually a typical glass bowl from a local pet store will work

How can you tell if your female Goldfish and your male Goldfish are going to mate.?

The male goldfish will get white spots on it's gill cover, and the female will start looking swollen because she has eggs inside her. Sadly though, most times when goldfish mate, they eat their eggs and you will get no young. If you try many times though it will probably work! Hope this helps!