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I second that, hope the fine is then doubled and the jail time extended without parole.

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Q: Can grease dumped into a storm drain cause gnats?
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What would cause gnats by drains?

They thrive on bacteria, try some Clorox down the drain in a well ventilated area . Let it stand or you can pour scalding hot water down the drain to kill then instantly and no odor

Does damp cause flies?

no water does not cause gnats it just attracts them

What are red body gnats with wings that are all over your house and how do you cure them if you think they are coming from the drain?

Try pouring a drain cleaner down the drain you suspect is the breeding ground for the gnats. There is most likely a clog of hair or some other material that is holding moisture and creating an ideal environment for egg-laying and hatching. Standing water (especially that which might have food or plant particles floating in it) such as mop buckets, dishwater, soaking laundry, etc. can cause the same problem. Pretty gross, huh?

Do gnats urinate?

Yes, gnats do urinate. If a gnat urinates on the skin it can irritate the skin and cause it to burn or itch.

What attracts gnats to my home?

Means, motive, and opportunity are what cause a gnat infestation. The insect in question will infest any area which offers entry points (such as breaks and cracks around doors, roofs, walls, and windows), food sources, protection for environmental stress and natural enemies, and shelter for mating and raising subsequent generations.

Does canaries cause gnats?

If the cage is kept clean all the time and devoid of rotting fruit etc. with de-lousing powder on the floor of the cage this should stop the gnats and flies.

Can gnats cause diseases?

Gnats do not give humans diseases. A mosquito is a type of gnat and has been said to carry disease relate to human deaths.

When was GNATS created?

GNATS was created in 1992.

Are gnats mammals?

no gnats don't even have vertebrate

Can gnats jump?

Gnats do not jump, they fly. However, if you have insects that look like gnats and jump, you may have fleas.

What is a collective noun for gnats?

The collective noun for gnats are:a cloud of gnatsa horde of gnatsa swarm of gnats

Where do gnat eggs come from?

Gnats lay eggs.