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yes they can

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Q: Can great white sharks have their eyes closed while swimming?
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Where do shark sleep?

Most sharks do not sleep.If they stop swimming....they will die.They need water running through their gills to get oxygen.However.....some sharks, like the Nurse Shark, can stop swimming for a while & have a snooze.

Do sharks piss in the water?

Yes but they don't stop to do anything but eat it pees while swimming

What kind of sharks are friendly?

some great whites have been said to be "friendly." some man made a video of him swimming with a giant great white shark. he touched it a lot and even held on to it's fin while it swam. Nurse sharks are pretty friendly too. with no teeth.

If you use a tampon can sharks smell your blood during your period while you are at the beach?

Sharks aren't likely to be somewhere that you're swimming, but they can smell even the smallest trace of blood in the water. Sharks are unlikely to come and kill you if you go swimming on your period using tampons. This is largely a moot point, just don't go swimming with sharks.

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It depends on how many sharks there are swimming through space and what the galactic wormhole temperature is while unicorns are teleporting.

What is more dangerous the great white shark or the whale shark?

The Great White Shark. Is this a joke? Whale sharks are fricken harmless goddammit! Great whites eat meat while whale sharks eat plankton

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my lollipop stick on my tongue

Are sharks attracted to period blood?

Yes, because sharks can smell blood vey well. If you are swimming in an area with a history of frequent shark attacks, it is best to not go swimming while you have your period.

How do Great White White Sharks get their food?

Normally they attack from below, with a sudden rush at the prey. Great white sharks are the largest known predatory fish in the entire ocean. They are classified as a mackerel shark and their teeth often break off when they hunt their prey. This article will answer the question what do great white sharks eat, as well as look at how great white sharks find their prey and look at four interesting facts about great white sharks. Firstly, let's look to answer the question what do great sharks eat. Great white sharks are carnivorous (meat eater) and love to feast on animals with very high fat contents. Great white sharks primarily eat fish, tuna, stingrays, smaller sharks, porpoises, dolphins, whales, seals, fur seals and sea lions. Great white sharks have also been known to eat sea turtles. While great white sharks will attack sea otters and penguins they very rarely eat them. Great white sharks will also eat pig carcasses if they are in the ocean. So now you know the answer to the question what do great white sharks eat. Now, let's look at how they find their prey. Great white sharks primarily locate their prey based on smell and sound. They can hear and smell their prey from many kilometres away and start to move towards their prey. When the great white sharks are close to their prey they rely on their sight to spot their prey. Great white sharks typically stay below their prey and ambush them, taking them by complete surprise. Great white sharks typically attack their prey in the morning as it is harder to see the sharks at the bottom of the ocean in the morning.

Do sharks need to swim constantly?

Some species of sharks need to swim constantly and some don't. This is related to both breathing and buoyancy.Sharks have gills to extract oxygen from water and most species of sharks employ buccalpumping to push water across the gills when needed as a supplement to the flow of water that occurs while swimming. Water flow to the gills while swimming is called called ram ventilation and the most effective way for sharks to get oxygen.There are over 470 shark species and about two dozen have lost the buccalpumping ability and so must swim or die from lack of oxygen. This group are known as obligate ram ventilators and includes hammerheads, great white sharks, makoshark, the salmon shark and the whale shark. Nurse sharks are quite the opposite, effectively using buccalpumping to breathe and able to lie motionless on the ocean bottom for extended periods.Unlike most bony fish, sharks do not have an air bladder to maintain buoyancy. Different species of sharks have various substitute buoyancy adaptations, but for many, swimming also keeps them from sinking and helps maintain vertical orientation.Additional details in related links.

What happens to a shark when it stops moving?

Only some sharks are required to swim at all times. This is because the swimming motion helps water flow through its gills which enable it to breath. Other sharks have the ability to pump water through the gills without swimming.