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If you want him to burn his tongue yes.

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Related questions

Are guinea pigs used as clothing?

Guinea pigs are not used as clothing.

What do guineas have to do with guinea pigs?

They are called Guinea Pigs because they were sold in England for a Guinea, which is a coin used over in the United Kingdom.

How are guinea pigs used all over the world?

Guinea pigs originated in South America as food.

DOES GUINea pig fur change color?

First of all, guinea pigs don't have fur, they have hair. That is why they are used for testing cosmetics and hair products. As a guinea pigs ages, it's hair probably gets just a little lighter or darker. But that is only true with colored guinea pigs, not albinos.

Can guinea pigs eat CareFRESH food for rabbits?

Guinea pigs can not eat rabbit food. Just go to a local pet store but don't give a guinea pig food that is also used for rabbits because they have different diets

Why do Guinea pigs trembling when held?

if you have not held them for a while then they might not recognise you. or if you have just got them then they need to get used to you.

Can a raw corn be used as feeds for pigs?

No it can not. Corn is unhealthy for guinea pigs, so it can not be used as feed. Try timothy hay and guinea pig pellets with treats of fruits and vegetables. Do not make the mistake of using corn for guinea pigs.

What are guinea pigs most used for?

Guinea Pigs are mots used for pets! As an enjoyable animal, people find it a pleasure to have them around. THey are very social animals and should be held everyday. I know that I love my guinea pigs. Hope this helps!

What types of pigs are used to make bacon?

the large black is used as a dual purpose ,domestic pigs are used for pork and old black spots are used for bacon

What do guinea pigs taste like?

I used to have 2 guinea pigs now I have 1.My uncle cooked one and ate it. It was gorgeous.

Are guinea pigs afraid of a vacuums?

Guinea pigs are afraid of vacuums for the first 4 or 5 times but after that they get used to the noise and they are not scared.

Can baby wipes be used on guinea pigs?

No why would you ever think that the chemicals are toxic to Guinea pigs and babies you should stop using them.