

Can gun powder burn underwater

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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I'm not sure but the mines that are underwater are able to destroy battle ships or any type of ships so i guess that it does.
Thanks XD


Yes, it can. Gunpowder contains it's own oxidizer, and does not need air to burn.

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Q: Can gun powder burn underwater
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Actually it would because one of the ingredients in gun powder is potassium nitrate which is an oxidising agent. This supplies the powder with the oxygen it needs to burn of "deflagrate". Guns can, but shouldn't be fired underwater, so yes you can fire a gun on the moon.

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"firework powder" is usually gun powder or blackpowder... So yes both of these options can be used in cannons, but don't mix blackpowder with gun powder since they burn at different rates.

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Black Powder.

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Gun powder is always a mixture.

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Gunpowder is basically a fuel combined with the oxygen to burn that fuel. The KNO3 is the oxygen part of the mix.

How fear does gun powder go when you shoot a gun?

I am going to punt here, "How far does gun powder go when you shoot a gun"? It will leave the bore and go about 2-3(perhaps more depending on burn rate and size of powder) feet before dissipating completely. Close range (contact and 2-3 feet) gun shots often result in powder burns around the penetrating point. It is commonly used to gauge the distance from muzzle to point of impact for forensic purposes.

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gun powder was udes for fireworks, then weapons

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Gunpowder- both the original black powder, and today's smokeless powder, is a combination of a fuel and an oxidizer to make that fuel burn. It must have both to work. One without the other is useless.

Who is the gun powder plot?

Gun Powder is the most important thing in a war because if you don't have gun powder you wouldn't stand a chance.

How do you set something on fire underwater?

light a match underwater and let it burn

Is gunpowder an acid?

Gun powder is a powder.