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Q: Can gynaecosid regulate your menses and cause ovulation?
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Depo provera is meant to prevent ovulation to prevent pregnancy. It does not cause regular ovulation.

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What is a polytheistic ovary?

Its polycystic and not polytheistic ovary. Its the most common endocrine disorder in females in the reproductive age group. The cause is unknown and is probably related to certain genes. The symtoms vary from no ovulation, secondary infertility, hirsutism, acne, excessive facial hair, irregular menses, pain, heaviness of abdomen, obesity etc.

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What are the side effects of gynaesosid?

Gynaecosid is a medication used to induct menstruation. A major side effect is that, if incorrectly used to induce abortion, it can cause severe bleeding. Because of this it should only be used when pregnancy has been ruled out as the cause of a late period.

Is it normal to have menses after Avery two weeks?

You wouldn't call it normal because it could cause a severe amount of blood loss depending on how heavy your periods are but it very often occurs to most women. This is usually a course of irregular periods that could be corrected by particular medication. You can see your doctor and for advice on how to help regulate your menstruation.

Can cysts on your ovaries make you infertile?

They can cause problems with ovulation which can make it hard to get pregnant, but they don't generally cause infertility

Why should the government regulate tobbaco products?

Because it cause death.

What drug may interfere with the body's ability to regulate temperature?

There are various drugs which may interfere with the body's ability to regulate its temperature and may cause hypothermia. For example, there is alcohol.

How can you intentionally delay your menses?

One way is if you are on the birth control pill. Skipping the white pills (colors may vary) or blanks as we know it, will cause you not to have a period.

What is the cause of smoking out the exhaust of a 2005 ford f650?

Regulate the carburetor and replace its gasket.

What cause delay menstruation?

Menstruation is delayed as a result of delayed ovulation, things such as stress or ill health can delay ovulation as the body prevents pregnancy when it can't cope. If you're a teen irregular cycles are normal too so this can cause periods to start later than expected.