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Q: Can sexual stimualtion cause early ovulation?
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I planned a pregnancy n calculated my ovulation cycle to assure that I got pregnant but I did not instead I got heavy period 6 days early... Does phentermine affect ovulation n ability to get pregnant?

Yes, Phentermine can and does affect ovulation. It affects women's hormones and can cause you not to ovulate at all which can lead to ovarian cysts.

Does intense sexual excitement cause your period to come about 2 weeks too early possibly because of vaginal contractions?


How can you tell if you ovulate early?

Ovulation occurs about two weeks before your period. And during the time of ovulation is when you can get pregnant. So essentially ovulation causes pregnancy if the egg is properly fertilized.

can i have sex without condoms when im in early menopause?

Peri-menopause or early menopause,is marked by sporadic ovulation and menstruation. If ovulation is still occurring it is best to use a condom if you wish to avoid pregnancy.

A week after sex and passing jelly is it a sign of early pregnancy?

Normally a sign of ovulation

How soon after conception can EPTs be performed?

Using an early pregnancy test or EPT, you can test for pregnancy 15-16 days after a positive ovulation test, or 14 days after ovulation.

What are the cause of early marrige?

What are the cause of early marrige

Don't have my period 2 months after the morning after pill?

This is normal after using the morning after pill. The emergency contraception works primarily by either preventing ovulation or can also cause uterine lining to shed early. As it stops or delays ovulation then it can stop or delay menstruation, and it can take around three months for your body to adjust to get back into a regular cycle.

Can you use ovulation predictor kits as early pregnancy tests?

An ovulation predictor kit is used to help women keep track of ovulation when they are trying to conceive. Pregnancy tests are designed to predict a special hormone in the body that pregnant women have. Since an ovulation kit is not designed to detect that pregnancy hormone, it cannot be used as an early pregnancy test or any other type of pregnancy test for that matter. OPK's and pregnancy test are not designed alike, and are not meant for the same purpose.

What are the causes of early pregnancy?

-peer pressure -absence of parents -result of sexual abuse or rape -lack of knowledge about it

Would having a blood test 6 days after ovulation detect a pregnancy or would it be too early to detect?

It would probably be too early. I believe the fertilized egg doesn't implant until about two weeks after ovulation. And you don't produce the hormone until after the egg implants.

What type of discharge would you have in early pregnancy?

You have increased discharge and it's not unlike ovulation mucous, although that does vary