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Any Birth Control hormone will change the pH of your vagina to the more alkaline side. Yeast grows in a pH of 5 to 7, while your vagina's natural pH is 3-4.5 ( a little more acidic than coffee). If you have a hormonal IUD, then yes, you may be prone to yeast infections as your pH changes and the yeast gets great conditions to multiply. I would assume that the best way to prevent this would be through maintenance of pH in your vagina. Cranberry juice, yogurt, buttermilk and acidophilus can only take you so far. I would assume there would be some sort of cream or pill out there to maintain your pH, but I have not come across it yet. My gyno is also being utterly useless and keeps feeding me fluconazole, which is hard on the liver and causes yeast to eventually become resistant to it.

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Q: Can having an IUD lead to yeast infection?
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Can you get an infection after iud falls out?

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Can IUD cause vaginal infection or itching?

yes, having one increases your chances of of infection. Call your dr immediately.

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Trichomoniasis is an infection caused by parasitic protozoa. In short, it's an STD. You can easily get it from having sex with an infected person, but an IUD won't cause it.

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Mirena does not cause infections.

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No, there is no connection between IUDs and the kidney. An IUD is placed in the uterus1, which has no pathway to the kidney.1.

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There are no side effects of having your tubes tied and leaving an IUD in place. There is no pressing need to remove the IUD if you have other pregnancy protection.

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Can bacterial infections be caused by and IUD Or a hormonal imabalnce during time of themonth?

IUD can increase infection but it is from sexual activity introducing the bacteria not menstruation. You must seek a doctor's care if you have a pelvic infection.

Does a copper IUD stop periods?

There is nothing in the IUD that will stop you from ovulating and having a menstrual period.

Can you take prenatal vitamins while having an IUD in?

Yes, you can take prenatal vitamins while an IUD is in.

If pregnant with an IUD can it be taken out?

It would have to be. The IUD is in your uterus, where the baby grows and lives in you for 9 months. Having the IUD in there could possibly damage or kill the baby.

What kind of instrument do doctors use to remove a copper IUD and How do they get ahold of the IUD without damaging the uterus?

Well, I had my copper IUD out three days ago. I have had it for 6 or 7 years and absolutely LOVE IT! With the exception that I am one of the like 5% that got an infection from having the IUD. There were NO symptoms to this infection and it showed up in a routine pap. Anyway, that is why I had to have my IUD taken out. Now to answer your question , at least in my case, all they used were what I believe they call hemastats??? not sure. any way they are like a very thin needle nose plier. Everyone told me this wouldn't hurt. Dont get me wrong it did not hurt BAD. but it did feel rather uncomforitable when they took it out. maybe it was because of the infection that I had. They had no problem pulling it out. Maybe they would have used more tools if they had a problem.