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Q: Can humans live without stem cells?
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Related questions

What are unspecialized human cells called?

They are called stem cells.

Cells that retain the ability to divide continuously without specializing are called?

Stem cells are cells that are able to divide continuously without specializing. These kind of cells are undifferentiated biological cells.

Are stem cells human?

Yes, some stem cells do come from humans. The stem cells are taken from embryos. Animals also have stem cells used in research.

What are the only to tipontent cells in humans?

Embryonic stem cells are.

What would prevent stem cells from other species being successful in humans?

Besides embryonic or pluripotent stem cells, there are tissue-specific stem cells

Where are stem cells in humans?

stem cells exist throughout the body and they respond to certain needs in the body by becoming specialized cells.

Where do stem cells live?

in stems (:

Can stem cells possibly live on after you die if body is not cremated?

Stem cells can live on after you die if your body is not cremated. Researchers say stem cells can remain alive for at least 17 days after death.

What do stem cells do in humans?

they are found in humans and in plants and they generate different cells or even regenerate a whole original organ

What is embryonic stem?

Stem cells are special cells in the body which can transform into any other kind of cell. Embryonic stem cells are the stem cells which develop soon after an egg becomes fertilized with a sperm (which is what makes it an embryo). There are also adult stem cells, which are present inside grown humans. Stem cells have been used to grow artificial tissues and organs and may someday be a better alternative to getting transplants.

What can stem cells be used for?

a stem cell from an animal / humans [but still not proven possible] may be used to produce clones.

What are the types of stem cells?

There are five basic stem cells classifications there is embryonic stem cells, fetal stem cells. There are the Umbilical cord stem cells, placenta stem cells, and lastly there are adult stem cells.