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if they are the same blood type then of course. anyone can give blood to anyone if they match

Yes, this is true. A husband CAN give blood to his wife if they are compatible blood types. HOWEVER, serious consideration must be given first if the wife is in her childbearing years. If a wife receives blood from her husband and then decides to have a baby, there are risks involved.

Everyone inherits certain antigens in their blood. If a woman receives blood from her husband and he has an antigen that she DOES NOT have, her body will develop an antibody to it. If she then gets pregnant and the fetus inherits this same antigen from the father, the mother's antibody with attack it and cause destruction of the fetal blood cells. This may cause severe anemia for the fetus as well as severe jaundice and brain damage. The worst case scenario would obviously be the death of the fetus.

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