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Q: Can i empty my fountain water into grass with tadpoles in it will they die?
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Do tadpoles eat grass?

no, they swim in water and eat bacteria in the water

Do the water plants depend on tadpoles in any way?

No water plants do not depend on tadpoles in any way because tadpoles get their energy from water plants themselves

What structure enables tadpoles to breathe in the water?

Gills enable tadpoles to breathe in the water.

Do baby frogs eat grass hoppers?

Baby frogs are tadpoles. Grasshoppers are land creatures, tadpoles do not leave the water, so no. However, once a frog matures, it will eat any insect small enough to fit in its mouth.

What do tadpoles drink?

tadpoles drink there own water that they live in

Can tadpoles live in sink water?

Only if you leave the water out for about a week. Tap water has chemicals that harm the tadpoles.

Do tadpoles get oxygen from the air or from the water like fish?

Tadpoles get oxygen from water like fish do.

Is water fountain one or two words?

Water fountain

How do you keep bees away from your fountain?

Great, someone else that has, rather HAD the same problem! This is what you do. Basically, you need to empty the fountain. You can do this in a variety of ways. I found the easiest was to get a water pumper from home depot. Empty it adn wait for a mont or two until they don't come back. And you can refill it.

Where is the highest water fountain?

The Highest water fountain. Is Franikee fun water

What rhymes with mt?

fountain or fount soda fountain, water fountain, drinking fountain

What word is when linked to water soda and pen can form compound word?

The word is fountain. water fountain fountain pen soda fountain