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It's very difficult to find out your late father's life insurance policies, until you get any receipt/letter/policy copy. Seek help from your sister or search via Google citing your late father's name,address,assumed period of coverage or other relvant data to help them searching policies.

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Q: Can i find out if my late father had any life insurance policies my sister was in charge of his finances?
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Policy bought by your father in 1954 State capital life insurance companyRaleighNC Is it still of any value?

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How do you find your father's life insurance policies?

Check all of his papers. Look for payments to insurance companies, they typically require a policy number on cancelled checks or transfers. Check safe deposit boxes. Check with the HR department of his employer as well. Often fraternal organizations and even some banks have small policies for all their members (It's a come on to get you to purchase a full policy from them, since you already have the $500 or $1000 policy with them).