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Q: Can i give birth at 24 weeks?
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How long does it take for a uterus to heal after having a miscarriage at 24 weeks?

24 weeks is not a miscarriage but premature birth. The healing process is the same as after a full term birth, 6 weeks.

What happens when the baby dies inside the mothers womb?

f it was after 24 weeks it would be a stillborn baby so the mother would have to be induced into labour and give birth to it. If it died before it was 24 weeks then it would be classed as a misscarraige but the mother may have to still give birth.x

Can you give me a sentence using the word developed?

if you are pregnant for 24 weeks you have to give birth at 40 weeks so your baby is not yet fully devoloped. ..... or when you are a baby your bones are not yet fully devoloped so you have to be careful around babies...

How many weeks does it take for female miniature Dotson to give birth?

It will take approximately 9 weeks for a female miniature Dotson to give birth.

How do you kill the fetus after 24 weeks?

You can't. You'll have to give birth and give the baby up for adoption. Don't worry, it isn't too hard.

Is it normal to give birth at 6 weeks stop bleeding then get you period at 8 weeks for 5 days then 3days after your period you have a little lite red blood again?

It is NOT normal to give birth at 6 weeks.

When does a peacock give birth?

24 days.

How long does it take for mice to give birth and do they give birth a t a particular time of day?

Mice tend to give birth about 3 weeks after getting pregnant however my mouse gave birth SIX weeks after pregnancy so be patient. They do not give birth at any particular time or day but usually when they are uninterrupted which is probably night. :)

How long do you have your period after you give birth?

I think six weeks

What does hardening of the uterus mean at 24 weeks?

The hardening of the uterus at 24 weeks can mean different things including preparing the body for birth. It can also be a sign of endometriosis.

When is the latest day a dwarf hamster can give birth?

5 weeks.

Can you give normal birth at 33 weeks months?
