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Q: Can I have ovulation symptoms even if I'm on the pill?
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Im thinking of getting pregnant Im on the pill now and you barely get a period being on the pill how do you know when to try for a girl with irregular periods even when im off the pill?

Well if I am understanding your question right, you are trying to get pregnant with a girl. There is no way to guarantee this. However, I would recommend getting an at home ovulation test. This will tell you exactly when you should try to get pregnant, the days you are ovulating etc. However speak with your doctor before completely stopping the pill, as they may want to consult with you first!! Good Luck!

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i think you must take contraceptive pill because it prevents ovulation .

Im on birth control pills I was recently on antibiotics got my period on the last sugar pill and it lasted for 3 days but im still having cramps and always feel sick and it from the pill?

It is more likely that your symptoms are due to the recent illness or antibiotics rather than the birth control pill, particularly since you had symptoms during the sugar pills. Contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

How do i know if I'm pregnant if im taking the pill?

You will miss your period,have pregnancy symptoms, or you could take a home pregnancy test or see your Dr.

Im on the pill but i skipped my period on purpose and now im getting pregnancy symptoms could i be pregnant?

Quit speculating and go to the doctor first thing Monday. My question is did you try to get pregnant, and are you prepared for this if you are?

Why do you have a period like pain and am not on my period?

This has happened to me, im on the pill and thought i'd missed a period cause i was on my 4th sugar pill on my pill free week, but i then came on on my 5th sugar pill.The contraceptive pill can mess with your period massively.Im currently waiting for my period and im on my 3rd sugar pill so dont worry yet!Are you getting period pains at all? cause i do and it lets me know im going to be on late.xXx

Does wild yam affect the birth control pill?

no why would it?? im pretty sure the only thing that would effect a bc pill is an antibiotic or maybe even some over the counter medicine but definately not " wild yam "

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Are crying and always being hungry symptoms of pregnancy if you're on the pill?

I was on the pill for two years. Although being 99% effective, i cant say i havent seen people get pregnant while on the pill. The pill WILL make you emotional (ask my husband) and it may make you eat more. Now im just 1 woman out of thousands more that could help you, if you feel like you are pregnant, take a test and if you are, stop taking the pill. I hope this info will come in handy for you =D

Can a low carb diet mess with your period even if you are on the pill?

Im on the second week of Atkin's and also on the pill i've come on 12 days afer my break, been to the nurse she was clueless, took a pregnancy test (negative) seeing the doctor next week. But im putting it down to the diet, slowly starting to introduce more (good) carbs. I cant find alot of information about this out there, but i found it can effect if your not on the pill.

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Every Sleeping pill XD mwahahaha, im going to kill you while you sleep :)

Where does the saying pill garlic come from?

im not sure,but it is used a lot