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There is a good chance you would be able to lose a little, depending on how much you want to lose...

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Q: Can i lose weight if i quit eating meat besides chicken and fish?
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How can you gain 20 pounds in less than two months?

I know I could do it by eating my regular meals and adding 5 or 6 snickers bars every day and sitting around watching TV. It's EASY for me to GAIN weight. (((walks away grumbling))) you can gains weight quick by eating a ton of chicken and fish. Chicken is super high in protein. Plain boiled chicken will work very well. Along with good excersise.

Is an alligator garr fish poisonous?

not to my knowledge...but they're good eating! taste a lot like chicken!

Can you lose weight by eating fish and veg everyday?

Definetly fish. Eat that for a week and watch the pounds drop off!

Do If you have to like fish to work at sea?

No you don't instead of eating seafood eat a salad, chicken or some seaweed??

Does cod help you lose weight?

Yes, eating plainly cooked fish (but not if in batter or breadcrumbs) such as cod can help in weight loss.

What are Eating habits of Saint Lucia?

The national dish is green figs and salt fish. St.Lucians also like chicken.

How much weight should you gain when exercising?

Depends if you eat the right foods such as chicken and fish, protein stuff, but if your just excercising you lose weight.

Why is it bad to eat fish sticks?

Eating too much fish sticks can make you gain weight and get obese.AnswerIt is actually healthy and good to eat fish sticks in a controlled manner. Fish sticks are white meat, and they have less fat and calories than chicken sticks. However, since fish sticks contain a lot of grease from the solid oil skin, it may cause acne for several people.

What level comsumer are chicken steak and fish?

Fish then Chicken then steak

What does a high protein diet consist of?

High protein diets are by consuming more meat products such as: fish, chicken, pork, or beef. This in turn is said to satisfy your hunger more than carbs and allows your body to lose weight since your eating less.

What does it mean when you taste fish while eating?

That your eating fish