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Q: Can I lose weight with a good diet instead of doing cardio?
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on diet pills and cardio, yes

How can you reduce fat?

diet and exercise. exercise including weight lifting and cardio.

Is It Possible to Lose Weight on a Cardio Free Diet?

If you hate exercise, a cardio free diet may sound like the perfect weight loss plan. Unfortunately, these diets still require exercise. Instead of cardio, dieters will begin weight training. Strength training increases lean muscle mass, strengthens the body, and increases the metabolism. Cardiovascular exercise is not the key to weight loss. The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in. Swapping your cardiovascular workout with weight training will help you lose weight as long as you continue to limit your calories.

What kind of exersice do you need to do to lose weight?

Light weights and cardio combined with a balanced diet

What types of exercise to do lose weight or what types of diet pills to lose weight?

Diet pills DO NOT WORK. Instead, eat lean protein with every meal, lots of healthy fats, lots of fruit and veg (mainly veg) and consider working out with weights and engaging in regular cardio exercise.

What is the one simple rule to losing weight?

BALANCE. The one "holy Grail" so to speak of weight loss is balance. Balance your diet with exercise, Eat foods that are colorful and light as opposed to greasy heavy foods. When you exercise, it is essential to balance weight training and cardio, however weight training is recommended before doing cardio, to develop strength and power. Read the hacker's diet, it brings science and weight loss together.

Is cardio exercise better than weight training for weight loss?

Cardio and weight training for weight lossThis is the perfect combination. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, a combination of cardio exercise and weight training will give to the very best results.For more information about how to burn the fat and feed the muscle through weight training, cardio exercise and correct diet, see the related question, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How can you make ideal body or shape?

If you drink lots of water then you'll loose weight instead of doing hard exercise and going on a diet ! x

Where can I find a diet exercise Plan?

Cardio exercise is very important when it comes to losing weight. You can find a very good diet and exercise program at or at

What is Christina's diet?

food yea she eats food, she was only on a diet to gain weight cause her metabolism is high, except for after she had a baby then she did cardio but still eat whatever

What is Christina Aguilera's diet?

food yea she eats food, she was only on a diet to gain weight cause her metabolism is high, except for after she had a baby then she did cardio but still eat whatever

What is Christina Aguilera's diet?

food yea she eats food, she was only on a diet to gain weight cause her metabolism is high, except for after she had a baby then she did cardio but still eat whatever