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Not as a rule. If the claim was something that arose after the filing, it will depend on the nature of the claim. If the claim arose prior to filing, you must have disclosed the claim in the bankruptcy documents and the trustee may take over the claim.

Consult a lawyer knowledgeable in bankruptcy.

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Q: Can i sue someone if i am in the prossess of a chapter 7 bankruptcy?
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Can mobile home lender sue if you are under bankruptcy?

I don't believe anybody can sue if you are under bankruptcy.

Can a landlord sue for damages and back rent after you filed for chapter 7 bankrupcty?

There is nothing procedurally that prohibits the filing of a suit against someone who has delared bankruptcy. The bankruptcy trustee will put that landlord on a waiting list with other creditors. Of course, the practical upshot is that the bankruptcy court may find that the debtor is unable to pay any debt - then, the LL is wasting time.

Will a collections attorney not sue you if you say you will file bankruptcy?

They WILL sue you as long as they have the legal right to do so. Bankruptcy may be your only option.

Can you be sued civilly by someone who was included in a bankruptcy?

anyone can sue another person at any time in there life no matter how they stand finacally in their past.

Can credit card companies sue you after or during bankruptcy?

Not likely. They can come to collect if you have a balance but sue you why?

How do you check on a bankruptcy filing that isn't owned by you?

If you have been filed for a fake bankruptcy, then you can sue the claming party.

Can you sue someones relative after you declare bankruptcy?

You can certainly sue after filing the same as you can before. I think it's fair to say everyone is someones relative. You cannot, before or after BK, sue someone BECAUSE they are someones relative. That doesn't make them invlved or responsible to you for their relatives actions.

Can ex spouse sue for damages after divorce and chapter 7 bankruptcy in which she was listed along with the home in the bankruptcy but didn't declare being a lien holder and had not paid any money?

Yes the spouse who denies that she or he held a property at the time of divorce to avoid more payment is guilty of perjury.

Bankrupty or foreclosure which is best?

bankruptcy is better. If you have to decide foreclose or banko, put your house in bankruptcy. When you have a foreclosure, they can sue you for the balance

Can you sue an ex after they filed bankruptcy and you left with the bills?

yes but it is expensive

Can you get a job before your bankruptcy is final?

Sue. I should think that is preferred.