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Q: Can i take clindamycin if I'm allergic to erythermicine?
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Can a person take Clindamycin if allergic to ceclor?

can i take clindamycin if im allergic to ceclor

Can you take clindamycin if allergic to neomycin?

Yes. Clindamycin is not a penicillin-like antibiotic, so it may be used if allergic to penicillin. However, this does not mean you cannot be allergic to this drug also.

Can you take sulfameth and clindamycin together?

Im not sure

Can people who are allergic to Ceclor take Bactrim DS tabs?

Im allergic to bactrim and ceclor im not sure if it is because of the same thing in them or not but yeah.

If im allergic to Tylenol 3 does it mean im allergic to Tylenol?

your probably just allergic to the codeine in the Tylenol 3's

Can you take extacy if im allergic to morphine?

Yeah of course, real ecstasy doesn't have morphine in it!

Is greta wingrove allergic to nuts?

he is allergic to nuts im greta wingrove

What if my wife is on penicillin and im allergic?

Then do not take them yourself. Unless you come into direct contact with them, or accidentally swallow them yourself, you will be fine.

Was George Washington allergic to something?

I think he was allergic to fish or tree nuts, im not sure which

If you are allergic to morphine can you take tramadol?

Tramadol and Tylenol (apap) are both non-narcotic pain relievers. They are not related to codeine. You should be fine.

If im allergic to penacilin can you take amoxacilin?

if by "ciprofloxacillin" you mean "ciprofloxacin" (check the name carefully), then most probably the answer is yes. they are both antibitoics but have two very different mechanisms of actions.

What to use if allergic to morphine?

im allergic to morphine and even tho i hydrocodone(vicodin) and the sorts metabolize into morphine in the liver i can still take it or oxycodone(percocet) also the medicine hydromophone ( dilaudid) is good for heavy pain and is what hospitals give to patients allergic to morphine.