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Yes, it sure can be! Implantation bleeding varies from woman to woman, and someimes is heavier, and may even contain clots! Don't get discouraged if your implantation bleeding is bright red, heavy, and contains clots. And isn't the average "light pink or light brown" mumbo jumbo. Every woman is different!

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Q: Can implantation bleeding be more than spotting?
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Is it possible to not have spotting when implantation occurs?

Implantation spotting is less common than people on here seem to think. Fewer women have implantation bleeding than not.

Is there a way to know whether you're pregnant before missing a period if you've been trying for several months but this month you didn't have any brown spotting which is implantation bleeding?

not every women gets implantation bleeding, it's actually talked about more than it happens

Could a light pinkish discharge instead of a period be implantation bleeding?

Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation. Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation. Yes it can be a sign of implantation bleeding. If the bleeding is very light and not light a normal period than this could be implantation.

Can implantation bleeding last for more than 5 days?


How much blood and how red is implantation blood and how soon does it happen then after implantation is it normal to experience some bearable pain?

Only approximately 1 in 3 women experience "implantation bleeding", which is no more than light spotting. There should be no pain involved since the implantation of the fertilized egg is in the accumulated blood lining in the uterus which has no nerves.

When people say they have periods during their pregnancy are they referring to implantation bleeding?

Hi, Yes they usually are. Some women do experience a light spotting or a light period for no more than 3 days during the first month they conceived and this can sometimes be mistaken for a period especially when it arrives around the time you expect your period but it is usually implantation bleeding.

How common is implantation bleeding?

Not every woman experiences implantation bleeding and some believe it isn't that common. But more women than previously believed do experience implantation bleeding. 1 in 3 women get it i got it doesn't always mean your pregnant though

Can you have more than one period a month on the pill?

Not necessarily, most likely this "second period" is spotting or breakthrough bleeding. Spotting/ Breakthrough bleeding is bleeding before or in between menstrual cycles.

Will you have brown discharge for days if you have implantation bleeding?

Yes, it very well can be implantation bleeding, it is usually lighter than a period.

If you are having twins would implantation bleeding be heavier?

== == In theory, yes. If the twins were fraternal (from two eggs), then the eggs could implant in two different areas of the uterus and form two placentas, and, therefore, produce more implantation spotting/bleeding than just one egg would. However, if the twins were identical (from one egg), it doesn't seem like there would be more bleeding than usual. Also, many women never experience implantation bleeding, regardless of the number of embryos they are carrying. Answer Yes I would say so just double the amount really and you would gain weight on quickly as well and more morning sickness. From Pink Princess

What if your period was a weekearly and lighter than nomal and have cramping can you be pregnant?

Yes! It may be implantation bleeding rather than a period. Implantation bleeding is often mistaken for a period.

Could you be pregnant if you were 2 days late then spotted light pink with cramping Is it implantation bleeding or not?

if that's the only bleeding you have than more than likily that was i.b.