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Q: Can infection from tooth spread to other areas and cause extreme exhaustion even after 6 weeks of antibiotics and root canal?
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What can put a person at risk to contract Cellulitis?

Cellulitis is a skin infection caused by bacteria. Normally, your skin helps protect you from infection. But if you have a cut, sore, or insect bite, bacteria can get into the skin and spread to deeper tissues. If it is not treated with antibiotics, the infection can spread to the blood or lymph nodes. This can be deadly.

Can a abscess tooth give you a sore throat?

as a abscess is a infection the infection can indeed spread and cause a sore throat Visit your Doctor they will probably prescribe antibiotics if they have already not done so.

Is it safe to kiss someone with tooth infection?

Not likely. However, that person you kissed better get some antibiotics or it will spread throughout his/her system causing some major health problems.

How serious is urosepsis infection?

Urosepsis can be extremely serious if not treated immediately. Urosepsis is an infection which started in the urinary tract system and then spread to the blood. If left untreated "sepsis" can lead to death from the infection or a condition known as septic shock....However if treated quickly with the right antibiotics it can be cured.

Can osteomylites spread?

Osteomyelitis is bone infection. Like any other infection, it can spread.

What is the best antibiotic for an impacted tooth that has spread infection to the tongue?

What is the BEST ANTIBIOTIC?!?!?!?!? Antibiotics treat infection and its just a matter of what you can and can't take (if you're allergic to penicillin, for example). It sounds like you're going to get some antibiotics from someone who isn't a dentist or doctor and "hope" that helps. Don't do it. If the infection is so bad that it has spread, that's trouble. Secondly taking antibiotics will not make the impacted tooth suddenly go away. Make a dental appointment. Or if money is an issue, contact a dental school to see if you can get low-cost or no-cost treatment. ~ T

How does one cure septic arthritis?

In order to cure septic arthritis, antibiotics will be needed to make sure the infection is contained and that it will not spread. Secondly, there will be liquid or fluid in the joint that will have to be drained in order to get rid of the infection. Draining is the use of a needle to remove the fluid.

Can strep throat spread by talking?

Strep throat spread by droplet infection. This is airborne infection, mainly.

How is acute giardiasis treated?

Acute giardiasis can usually be allowed to run its natural course and tends to clear up on its own. Antibiotics are helpful, however, in easing symptoms and preventing the spread of infection.

Is UTI fatal?

UTIs are very common but technically any infection can be fatal, especially if a person is imunocomprimised. Usually your body can fight it off by itself, but it can spread to the kidneys. If any infection lasts more than a few days you should go to the doctor and get antibiotics.

How is the infection spread throughout the hospital?

how does infections spread in hospitals

What causes pus to come out of the ear?

Pus coming out of the ears could be a sign that the eardrum has ruptured due to extreme pressure from an infection, usually from an infection called otitis media, or inflammation/infection of the middle ear. Continued infection could permanently damage hearing due to tissue destruction and/or scarring. The best thing to do is to have a health professional evaluate and see if antibiotics or ear drops, or both, are needed to help it heal properly.Other infections of the ear canal can create drainage, and need to be treated before they spread. The ear is an easy place to get an infection called cellulitis, so it shouldn't be ignored, either.