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Q: Can it hurt your dog if you feed her cat food for breakfast then dog food for dinner?
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We have the company assurance that moist food won't hurt them. But, you need to know, if you only feed your dog soft food it can affect their teeth. Most breeders feed, their puppies & dogs, dry puppy or dog food.

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no i feed my rat people food all the time

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Feed it normal sim food - it doesn't hurt them. Especially if it's a grilled cheese vampire :)

What do dogs eat for breakfast?

Maybe dog food dont give them human food it wont hurt them but they gain weight so fast

I feed my dogs human food regularly and have since they were puppies so they don't get sick from it but is it ok for them?

That is not good for them. Try some dog food or like Science Diet for them. It won't hurt them but you shouldn't feed them regular food on a regular basis.

What should I feed a hurt bird injured by my cat?

Chicken based canned cat food with a stir stick.

Can you feed tropical fish food to regular goldfish or crayfish or to your alligator gar that you keep separately?

you can. it will probably not hurt the goldfish ot the others, but it is best when possible to feed fish food that is designed for their specific nutritional needs.

What do you feed kitens?

Kitten's When Old Enough Can Have Normal Cat Food But Add Water To The Food So It Is Soft Enough So They Don't Choke Or Hurt Them Selves!

I want my chao to age fast.?

hurt your chao don't give it any food ignore it if it cries drown it all the time take the food away if tries to feed itself and it will only live for about 6 hours hurt your chao don't give it any food ignore it if it cries drown it all the time take the food away if tries to feed itself and it will only live for about 6 hours

Can you feed a baby song thrush canned cat food or does it have to be canned dog food?

probably dog food since its a dog. :P i don't think metabolically it would hurt it but the dog food would be best.

Do frogs eat floating food sticks and that is fish food?

I don't think so, though they might. Try it out and see it wont hurt your frog. :) I would feed it a good quality frog food though.

Can you feed yorkie human food?

Its not a good idea to regularly feed a dog cat food as the nutritional needs of a canine are different than a feline. It will not hurt your dog and it is better than letting it go hungry. When there are both dogs and cats in a home the dogs often eat the leftovers.